Who’s in control?

“People change when they Hurt enough they have to, See enough they are inspired to, Learn enough that they want to, and when they Receive enough that they are able to.”

Change will come whether you’re in control or not. Be vulnerable enough to initiate change and embrace fear. It’s going to hurt anyway and you’ll change anyway. So why not take charge? Life will change you; there’s no stopping or controlling that. And you will change your life. This part is in your hands if you are competent. Be your life’s leader.

PSA: If you don’t take charge of your life, someone else will.

Tell me who’s got control of your mind? Your world view?

PSA #2: While you have been on this fun little conspiracy theory kick, don’t try to use Dead Prez to pretend this one is about anything other than you being scared of failure. Be whatever Top G, OG, BBG you want to be and remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong

Proverbs 31:8-9

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Before I go on about my love for this verse, can I admit to the anonymous internet that a part of me wants to hate on this chapter? The woman in Proverbs 31 is a trader, investor, gardener, seamstress, philanthropist, mother and wife that never sleeps. This is a woman who found the secret sauce to do it all. And you know.. I wanted to hate on it. It felt typical for a man to expect all that from a woman. So I looked it up and, apparently, it’s not an arbitrary list of wife criteria some guy made like a douchey Old Testament Bumble bio. It’s a son, inspired by his mother, writing out the advice she gave him. Fitting, right? A woman was the one who ultimately set these unrealistic expectations for women. Well, I guess I will sit my humbled, feminist self back down.

The description is also pretty solid advice to give to a kid… “Now lil Solo, I know you wanna bag that super fine baddie with the attitude, but maybe consider someone with a soul, too.” That’s New Living Shay Translation for “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Now back to the OG verse posted up top. I remember reading that in high school, circling it and telling myself that while I don’t know what I may end up doing in life, I want to commit it to that verse. Somehow, the pieces kept coming together for that come to fruition. I don’t know why, how, or if I’m capable of following through. I keep telling myself “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.” I go through my list of people who didn’t feel capable either and have started reading the Bible again. Experiencing it through the lens of an adult feels very familiar yet different and confusing.

Like language, religion seems to be a way to communicate shared human experiences. There’s no right religion in the same way there’s no right language. You can call it Christianity, Judiasm, Hinduism, atheism, whatever you want-ism– at its core, they’re similar concepts filtered through cultural, generational, and geopolitical lenses. While there may not be a right one, you can choose what’s right for you. Call me lazy, but I’m a big fan of Christianity. Let talk about some key players.

Abraham, a man of great faith, sold out his wife, impregnanted his maid, left both her and their son to die and tried to murder his other son in what the Bible called faith, but we’d call psychosis. There’s Jacob, a father who blamed his 11 kids for his father-in-law bamboozling him into marrying their less hot mom. Joseph, rocking the flyest jacket, had recurring narcissistic dreams. Moses had a speech impediment and a murky manslaughter past. Ruth and Naomi were the Old Testament version of Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sigourney Weaver in Heartbreakers. Zaccheus was a tax-collector with no friends. Rahab was a prostitute. There was a woman with an incurable never-ending period society deemed unclean. Delilah schemed. Samson was weak…

The Bible is a book about people with choices. They all had the option to stay in their respective “hell” that may have been guilt, shame, evil, or doubt. Or they could choose to want more for their lives; to not know but believe it existed anyway. Every time, the choice was theirs to make. They’re not role models, they were often scummy, but it was never about that. Like them, regardless of the circumstance or excuse, we all have a story to tell. While no one is entitled to listen or care, redemption is yours if you want it. Trying is yours if you want it. Cue Nas.

Will close this out with one last bit- Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. This post started with my goals for life, passed through my fears and ended with my power. I hold the power to try. I hold the power to lift myself and others up if I want. I kinda got lost in a few directions writing this, but I think it ties together now, right? Would’ve been nice if younger me stumbled upon a verse that said “Lady, you might have ADHD or autism or at least need to work out some weird self-esteem issues.” But Proverbs 31 is cool, too.

lost for words

We holdin’ leadership conferences
For the hood, for the kids
Let’s win, let’s win
Let’s win, let’s win

It’s all about the next generation. That’s what we here for, the next generation

Surround yourself with goodness. When you can’t find the words you’ll find it around you.


So it happened. I’m officially 30 years old.

I don’t have much more to write to this post. I do find myself freaking out a little but only when I think about where “I should be.” When I think of my life, what I’ve accomplished, who I am and all the people I’ve met along this journey, I’m happy and I am content. I love who I am. I love that I love so much. I love that I’m a nervous ball of anxiety. I love my family and friends and I love this world that I get to explore.. I don’t know why I’ve made it this far or how I keep getting so lucky, but I’m going to keep going.. I started this blog when I was 20 years old and today, that girl is still me, I’ve just got 10 more years of life added on. I’ll end this post with the same quote I used in my 21st birthday post.

The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been. – Madeleine L’Engle

Happy 30th birthday, Shaina.

I’m back baby

Time for my 2022 update. Sorry for the break in posting on here, future Shay. I know you’re eagerly waiting to read about your final year of your 20s!!!

I’m not sure how different it is, but here goes. I broke up with the guy I wrote about in my most recent post and I then tried to desperately and unsuccessfully get him back (we were dating for about 1 and 1/2 years). I still carry some shame with me due to my behavior (I wasn’t always nice, was controlling, was insecure and was a piss poor communicator). But in this life, all we can do is keep moving. And that’s what I’m doing. I can acknowledge he was far from perfect too, but I’m finding it’s easier to forgive other people than myself. I know he and I were prone to bring out the worst in each other, but I still miss my best friend.

So here’s where things get amazing. I have some other pretty fucking amazing best friends. It’s a very different type of love, but they always remind me how lucky I am to have a life filled with such truly wonderful people. Sometimes i really do believe I am the luckiest girl in the world.

In my twenties, I had the opportunity to experience two great loves. And to both of you, I am so honored and grateful for the time we shared. I’m grateful for the memories we made together. I’m grateful for all of the good times because you reminded me to see the good in people and also the good in myself. I’m grateful for the pain because you helped me grow. And I’m grateful for the love because what the hell is the point of living without any love. To David, I hope you know how great of a man you are. I believe in you and am excited for all that is to come for you. I saw this meme the other day that said “you could be the whole damn package and still show up at the wrong door.” I hope you find your right door. I hope i do, too.

I’m glad I made this blog. I like going back and reading my idyllic posts about hope, believing and love. The older I get, the more cynical, jaded and selfish I get. But I always flip back to “Life’s Mysteries” and remind myself to not lose sight of spirituality and hope. I flip back to “Bubbles” and remind myself I knew these feelings would be coming but I made this blog so I could remember.

And I do. I remember. Thank you past Shaina for reminding me. I usually end these posts with a shout out to all the people I love and am grateful for, and yes, I still feel that way, but also…

thank u, next.


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Lately, I’ve been feeling like the depression I’m experiencing is unprecedented (shoutout to the buzz word of 2020). In my mind, all of the past years of my life have been so nice compared to where I’m at now. After re-reading my old posts on here, I’m reminded of the truth.

The reality is: I’m romanticizing the past and giving my current struggles more power than they deserve. The reason this feels so difficult and hopeless is because I continue to feed it. Shay, you’ve been here. And you’ve been a rockstar. You didn’t plan out every single moment or feeling. You held it down. You remembered who you are and what YOUR values are. Who are you, Shaina?

  • Kind: You like to uplift people and inspire them to be better
  • Service: You like to volunteer and find ways to serve your community, friends, family
  • Hope: You put on those rose-colored glasses every day and CHOOSE to see the good in others. You CHOOSE to see the beauty in the world. You CHOOSE to see love. You’ve lived long enough to not be so ignorant/naive, but you CHOOSE hope.
  • Hard work: You busted your ass in school and in residency. You dedicated hours to grow in your profession. You sacrificed weekends and sleep so you could set yourself up for success. Yes, you procrastinate sometimes, but that’s not your defining characteristic. You worked way harder than you procrastinated (sometimes you had to work harder because you procrastinated lol)
  • Insecure: Now we get to the not so good. You’ve always struggled with seeing your worth. I know how shameful this is for you. Your skin isn’t soft and there’s probably some hairless person walking around this world because God ran out after making you. You shave your legs and those mfers come back within a second. Like damn, I know I’m cool but can I get some space, leg hair (STAGE 5 CLINGER OVER HERE)? Im 28, I thought that shit would slow down after puberty. Aren’t my cells supposed to be dying at a greater rate after 25? Nah, that’s just my brain, liver, and skin smoothing cells I’m losing. The hair ones are apparently resistant bastards. But Shay, I wish I could convince you that you’re not less than someone else. You are good enough. Be kind to yourself.

Well jeez, this post took a turn. Anyway, I think I’m starting to get it. What you water will grow. You’re dating this new guy (about 5 months now) and he’s pretty special. He’s not perfect nor is he everything you thought he’d be. But no one will be. And this one is pretty fucking cool and you guys are pretty damn great together. I know this wasn’t the plan. But that’s okay, too. Everything will be okay. You can’t control everything. You can just water the good stuff and more of that will grow :)

Peace and love for 2021. Grateful for another year of love, growth, trying times and special someone to share it with.

Same Problems Same Person Different Results

I am not very good at expressing my thoughts especially since I don’t write anymore. However, I need a bit of clarity and need to clear the fog. I’m hoping writing out the word vomit jumble that is scrambling around in my brain right now will ease my burdens.

Shaina, he will never stop hurting you. He promised he wouldn’t, and even now in his message to you, he aims to put you down in an attempt for him to feel better. He will never stop. He wants to be a better man, so let him be that. But know that for you, he has proven he will not be. You are experiencing the same problems with the same person, but hoping, begging, praying for different results. And that is insanity.

You have the clarity you need. You choose to see fog since it makes you feel better. Fog keeps him around. Clarity allows you to see what you already know.


IMG_1710Officially a part of the “late twenties” party. It definitely gets harder to write in here, especially as I don’t write in my day to day life, so finding the words to express my thoughts coherently has become challenging. 26 was a great year filled with new experiences. I fell in love for the first time, moved out of Savannah GA (my first solo apartment), moved back home, got my heart broken and now anxiously awaiting Match Day 2019 (3/15) for pharmacy PGY-1 Residency.

I don’t know what 27 will bring. Hopefully some balance? I’m sick of the games we play and multiple lives I lead (home, Indian community, school friends, home friends, etc). I move so often and every time it feels like I lose myself and then reinvent myself. That’s not right. My goal is to find my balance with all of my facets and values within myself.

Happy 27th birthday, lady.

For my mom


The hardest part of getting older is forming my own opinions that are in conflict with yours. All I want is to make you and dad happy– to give you guys all the things you deserve in this life for making the sacrifices you did for me and Chach. It breaks me to see you doubt your decisions and ability as a parent.

Mom, I know that on my best day, I could not even come close to being half the woman you are. I wish you could see that, because I do.

I’m sorry for breaking your heart in the past and all the times that are to come. The only solace for my guilt is knowing that I will serve my penance if I am so lucky to have kids of my own one day.

I am so very lucky to call you my mom. I hope you are proud of me.